Italian mayors can apply for a permit to hold outdoor weddings instead of in the town hall. Here in Merana the area next to “our” medieval tower is officially recognized and in the course of the years there have been several weddings.

As I have a good contact with the mayor he always tells me when there will be a wedding and asks me to take a few pictures to post on social media. He hopes the word will get out and people from all over the world will come to our village to get married. Until now this hasn’t happened yet, Merana isn’t really on any touristic map, but it seems to be a hit with the locals. Nobody marries in the town hall anymore, they all have a big outside wedding. Of course, such a panoramic spot next to a Medieval tower on top of a hill is a lot more charming than a characterless town hall.

While I enjoy taking pictures of every wedding, Nicolas has to help by regulating the traffic with the other volunteers of the fire brigade. But as there are only a handful of inhabitants who need this road (and we are 2 of them), he’s never very busy ?. But it’s always a good idea to volunteer for things like this when you want to integrate in small communities like our village. The locals really appreciate it and it gives you the opportunity to get to know them better.