Fossil hunting in the prehistorical dunes

Our lavender farm is surrounded by hills that are just a little different from others as they often are interrupted by gray “calanche”, a kind of prehistoric dunes with distinct erosive shapes. The contrast between the gravel-like dunes and the green tones of forests and fields is fascinating and unique, but this sight also has confused several of our guests who asked us why on earth people here cover the hills with cement.

Luckily we’re not that crazy here in Piemonte. These strange hill are prehistorical dunes, proof of the fact this area once was on the bottom of a sea. There are also fossils of sea animals. Of course we are talking about millions of years ago, which makes it even more special when you find a stone with the impression of a shell.

Our farm borders the particularly beautiful nature reserve, the Regional Nature Park of Piana Crixia in Liguria, created to preserve this landscape of prehistorical dunes. The emblem of the park is a spectacular rock formation shaped like a giant mushroom. It was created by erosion and is very exceptional. In and around the park there are several walking and cycling possibilities.

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