Baby cashmere goats

What I like the most about having a cashmere goat farm as a neighbor is the fact that every year late April / early May we are invited to a ‘baby goat cuddle session’.

Last year I went with my guests. We walked together to the farm, just 1 kilometer further down the road and were welcomed by their dogs Chopper, Barbanera and cute puppy Roe (now a giant dog of 60 kg).

Soon we were led to the baby goats and we all got a super soft one shoved into our arms. We were surprised to see two sets of twins, which is really exceptional with these goats. The guard dogs also enjoyed the attention they received.

After this we went to feed the adult goats with corn. The males have an impressive set of horns, but it soon turned out that they are much more gentle than expected. We also discovered that they really like legs with sun cream. There was a lot of enthusiastic licking 😀

I think the goats are secretly trained to pose for selfies, some of them were surprisingly good at it.


This year I’m afraid we’ll have no guests to bring along for a cuddling session as I don’t expect people will be able to travel in April and May. It’s such a pity because it’s really a nice season to explore our hills. But we’re doing our best to stay optimistic and in the meantime I try to find fun things to write about. It lifts my spirit and hopefully yours too. We’re in this together ! 

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