Nizza Monferrato: Wijntonnenloop

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2020-06-14 Gehele dag

Corsa delle Botti e Monferrato in Tavola |
Saturday, June 13th and Sunday, June 14th, 2020.

A race of strength and skill that represents a journey through time to rediscover the "butalè" and the "ghersonèt": this is the Corsa delle Botti of Nizza Monferrato.
A tradition that dates back to the nineteenth century, when in Nizza was flourishing the processing of barrels and there were many shops of coopers ("butalè"). The delivery of the barrels at home was assigned to young people ("ghersonèt") who, by rolling the barrels through the streets of the city, ventured into real races to get first to destination.
Today the tradition relives and becomes a sports competition: it sees the competition between #wineries, #cellars and single producers of #NizzaMonferrato and the surrounding municipalities.
"Monferrato in Tavola" will animate Piazza Garibaldi: instead of the "vinaioli", the great protagonists will be the local #ProLoco who will prepare the typical dishes of the traditional cuisine of Monferrato, accompanied by good #wine from local wineries.


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