Nizza Monferrato : geleid bezoek aan de toren en kunstgallerij

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2019-04-28 Gehele dag
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Nizza Monferrato will open the new “Castelli Aperti” season on Sunday 28 April with the chance for any visitors to go up the Campanòn (bell tower), as it is called in the local dialect. The symbol of the town is a medieval 33 m high tower, situated next to the Town Hall in Piazza Martiri di Alessandria.
Other attractive proposals in town: Art Gallery Art ‘900.
Visiting hours: from 10:30 to 12:30 am; from 15:30 to 17:30 pm. Free Entry.
The guided tours, promoted by the Town Administration, are held by the Tourist Office staff and the NizzaTurismo volunteers.
“Castelli Aperti” is organised by “Amici di Castelli Aperti” and it represents a great occasion to enter and visit public and private valuable places that are normally hard to access.

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