Heel Italië : Cantine aperte (wijnevent)

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2017-05-28 Gehele dag
Viale Palmiro Togliatti, 237, 00172 Roma, Italië
Address: Viale Palmiro Togliatti, 237, 00172 Roma, Italië

Meer info http://www.movimentoturismovino.it/en/events/2/cantine-aperte/

Open Cellars is the most important wine tourism event in Italy. Since 1993, member wineries of Movimento Turismo del Vino open their doors to personally meet the public on the last Sunday in May. Over time, Open Cellars has become a philosophy, a way to travel and discover Italian wine territories, which has seen an increasing number of tourists, wine wonderers and wine lovers visiting wineries from year to year hoping for a unique experience. In addition to the chance to taste wines and to buy them right at the wineries, the secrets of vinification and ageing can be discovered right in the cellar. Open Cellars mostly attracts young groups and couples who help animate the countless cultural, food and artistic initiatives, organized by the winemakers themselves, that pop up all over the country for the event. Open Cellars has experienced growing success also thanks to the initiatives of the winemakers who have developed unique ways to welcome their guests.

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